The Colour of His Hair

16mm, digital transfer, 23 mins

Based on an unrealized film script written in 1964 for The Homosexual Law Reform Society, a British organisation that campaigned for the decriminalization of homosexual relations between men, The Colour Of His Hair merges drama and documentary into a meditation on queer life before and after the partial legalization of homosexuality in 1967.

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Sean Hart
Josh O’Connor


Camera – Jessica Sarah Rinland

Editor – Alexandros Pissourios

Lighting – Oscar Oldershaw

Sound – Joe Campbell

Music – Leslie Deere

Colourist – Chloe Thorne

Camera Assistant – Ada Wesolowska
Hair & Makeup – Renee Vaughan Sutherland

Premiere: International Film Festival Rotterdam 2017
Winner: Best Documentary, London Short Film Festival 2018

Supported by BFI and Wellcome Trust

© 2023
London, UK